What's New!



On Friday March 29th 2024, the ZOLL emsCharts iOS/Android (formerly emsCharts Tablet) application was decommissioned. As a result, users will no longer be able use the ZOLL emsCharts iOS/Android Tablet application. The rest of the ZOLL emsCharts suite will remain functional, including the web browser-based application (ZOLL.emscharts.com), ZOLL emsCharts for Windows, and the new mobile application, ZOLL emsCharts NOW. If you have questions about ZOLL emsCharts NOW, or the decommissioning of the ZOLL emsCharts iOS/Android Tablet application, please contact your Account Manager or ZOLL Technical Support at 800 663-3911.

Watch this video for an overview of the ZOLL emsCharts April 2024 releases.